


1. Online /offline registration of all yatries is mandatory.

2. Do online registration via official website, to avoid standing in long que.

3. Do offline registration at Registration Counter Shri Gori Shankar Mandir Sarkoot, BDO Office Gulabgarh and Chishoti.

4. Do carry Yatra/registration slip along with Aadhar card and produce the same at Deondi Morh Gulabgarh and Darshani Gate Machail for onward journey to Shri Machail Mata Bhawan, as no devotee is allowed without online registration slip and offline Yatra Parchi.

5. Do carry sufficient woolen clothing as the temperature may sometimes abruptly fall and changes.

6. Do carry umbrella, raincoat, and waterproof shoes as the weather in the Yatra is unpredictable.

7. Do keep your clothes and eatables in a suitable water proof bag to avoid your belongings getting wet.

8. Do keep in your pocket a note containing the name / address, mobile telephone number, identity card / driving license and Yatra permit / registration slip before proceeding for Darshan, for emergency purposes.

9. Do help your fellow Yatris travelling with you and perform Yatra with a pious mind. Also you must leave the base camp along with all other members of your group while following of all SOP's/ guidelines.

10. Do seek immediate assistance of the Police/ any nearest Yatra Control room /and other teams deployed at various locations in case of any untoward accident or any member of your group is missing. Also announcement can be made on the Public Address System at the Base camp Gulabgarh and Machail Mata Temple.

11. Do strictly follow the instructions issued by the District Administration, Kishtwar from time to time and maintain the sanctity of the Yatra.


1. Don't start your travel before 05:00 AM in morning hours and after 06:00 pm in evening.

2. Don't attempt any short cuts on the route as doing so is dangerous.

3. Don't stop at places which are marked by warning notices, walk only on the tracks.

4. Don't do anything during the entire Yatra which could cause pollution or disturb the Environment.

5. Don't bring single use plastic / polythene material as it's use is banned in J&K and is punishable under law.

6. Don't carry expensive or heavy jewellery during the yatra.

7. Don't overload yourself with extra stuff on steep roads.

8. Don't ever try alcohol/intoxicating substances during the yatra which is strictly prohibited.

9. Don't try to wash hands/clothes/both in the rivers on the way.

10. Don’t follow Gulabgarh - Matti old Yatra route.

In case of any query related to Yatra, please contact at District Control Room: 01995259555; Police Control Room (PCR Kishtwar) +919906154100 and official website: